Oral Tradition Wiki
From the story   -   The Odyssey
Of the tradition   -   Greek Oral Poetry
Role in story   -   Servant to Penelope, Odysseus, and Telemachus

Eurycleia is an aged and loyal servant who nursed Odysseus and Telemachus when they were infants. Eurycleia is well informed about palace intrigues and serves as confidante to her masters. She keeps Telemachus's journey secret from Penelope, and she later keeps Odysseus's identity a secret after she recognizes a scar on his leg.

Origins of name[]

  • Eury = wide
  • Kleia = renoun
  • Eurycleia = wide renoun (knows a lot)

  The Odyssey by Homer edit

Ithaca Residents: Odysseus - Telemachus - Penelope - Eumaeus - Eurycleia - Melanthius - Melantho - Laertes
Gods and Goddesses: Athena - Poseidon - Zeus - Hermes
Suitors: Antinous - Eurymachus - Amphinomus
Voyage Acquaintances: Calypso - Polyphemus - Circe - Tiresias - Nestor - Menelaus - Helen - Agamemnon
Phaeacians: Nausicaa - Alcinous - Arete

Italacized members are Odysseus's enemies - Strike-through members are deceased by the end of The Odyssey