Oral Tradition Wiki
From the story   -   The Odyssey
Of the tradition   -   Greek Oral Poetry
Role in story   -   Suitor to Penelope, enemy of Odysseus

Eurymachus is a manipulative, deceitful suitor to Penelope. Eurymachus's charisma and duplicity allow him to exert some influence over the other suitors.

Origin of name[]

  • Eury = wide
  • Machos = battle
  • Eurymachus = Wide battle (Experienced at war)

  The Odyssey by Homer edit

Ithaca Residents: Odysseus - Telemachus - Penelope - Eumaeus - Eurycleia - Melanthius - Melantho - Laertes
Gods and Goddesses: Athena - Poseidon - Zeus - Hermes
Suitors: Antinous - Eurymachus - Amphinomus
Voyage Acquaintances: Calypso - Polyphemus - Circe - Tiresias - Nestor - Menelaus - Helen - Agamemnon
Phaeacians: Nausicaa - Alcinous - Arete

Italacized members are Odysseus's enemies - Strike-through members are deceased by the end of The Odyssey